Lyse Hazar

Lyse Hazar, born April 16, 2002 in Orléans, is a French screenwriter director. She has been writing since a young age and has always dreamed of cinema. She made her first stop-motion films at the age of 9. Student at Les Ateliers de l'Image et du Son (A.I.S) (2021-2024), she specializes in the Editing option. After a first documentary attempt with “Graffitis” (2022 – 3mn) she wrote and directed her first documentary “Fire in the Heart” (2023 – 17mn). She is currently preparing two short fiction and documentary films (2024).

Birth Location
Born 2002-04-16


Fire in the Heart as Lyse Hazar


The After Electrician
Blue Boy Camera Operator
Blue Boy Screenplay
Blue Boy Director
Fire in the Heart Screenplay
Fire in the Heart Camera Operator