Chadi Bennani

Chadi Bennani graduated in 2022 from the UQAM’s film production program. During his studies, he directed his first short film, “Nicole” (2023), presented at Hot Docs 2023 as part of the Best Short Documentary competition. His love for cinema led him to undertake the cinematography of the feature-length documentary “Elle va crier”, a project spanning more than a year that he approached in parallel to his studies. In 2022, he received the ACCT’s Bourses de l’Académie pour la relève grant. Recipient of the Regard sur Montréal film residency in 2023, Chadi directed his next short documentary film “Here and There” (2023), presented during the RIDM’s 26th edition opening night.

Known For

Birth Location
Chadi Bennani hasn't appeared in any movies or TV shows


Lou, notre maison s'envole Director of Photography
Nicole Scenario Writer
Nicole Director
Here and There Producer
Bonds Screenplay
Bonds Director
Here and There Director
Cambuse Assistant Director