Kaia Singh

Kaia Singh is a writer and director from Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia now based in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, Canada. In her work she utilizes filmic language to explore and depict intersectional experiences, cultural identity, and human connection. As a filmmaker her priority within the film industry is to foster diverse perspectives both within her narratives as well as within her production teams. Her short film The Mother's Seat (2022) has played at several festivals including the Vancouver South Asian Film Festival, Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec, and the Reelworld Film Festival. She has recently completed her latest short fiction film Moving Water and has begun development on her next project.

Birth Location
Kaia Singh hasn't appeared in any movies or TV shows


Ratgirl Assistant Director
Ratgirl Editor
Moving Water Producer
Moving Water Writer
Moving Water Director