Glüme Harlow

Glüme Harlow was born and raised in the city of angels. Getting her first taste of the silver screen as a child actress, she juggled time between training her voice, exploring music & wrestling with her health. Her various autoimmune issues eventually evolved into a heart disease known as Prinzmetal. She doesn't feel her body and soul are quite comparable with this world...but she loves visiting and writing about the people here. Her music collides at the crossroads where tomorrow has forgotten yesterday.

Birth Location
Born 1988-02-12


Hope Dealer as Lisa
The Blue Rose as Catherine Christianson
Child Actor as Glume
The Kid as (uncredited)
Satyrica as Bette Broderick
Queen Of LA as Glüme
We Watched Her Go as Psychic
Glüme Harlow hasn't worked on any movies or TV shows