Wanqiu Huang

Huang Wanqiu died of illness on March 4, 2023 at the age of 80. Huang Wanqiu was a famous performing artist in China and a national first-class top actor. She was a director of the Chinese Dramatists Association, a member of the Chinese Film Association, a director of the Chinese National Vocal Music Research Association, a director of the Guangxi China International Cultural Exchange Center, to name a few positions she had. Huang Wanqiu started her career in performing arts at the age of thirteen, engaged in the stage art of Gui Opera.

Known For

Birth Location Guilin, Guangxi Province, China
Born 1943-12-24
Died 2023-03-04


春兰秋菊 as 花明
Third Sister Liu as Third Sister Liu
Wanqiu Huang hasn't worked on any movies or TV shows