Who Do I Gotta Kill? 1994

Who says crime doesn't pay?

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Comedy Crime

A struggling writer takes a job for his mobster uncle in order to obtain first-hand material for a book on conspiracy plots and the JFK assassination. They often say that a good writer lives what he writes, but what happens when the life that the writer is living could likely get him killed?

Release Date 1994-09-23
Runtime 1h 24m
Directors Frank Rainone, Adam Kimmel, Danielle Schillingthorpe, J. Miller Tobin, Victoria McGarry, Michael Leopold, Jody O'Neil, Harvey Hubbell V, Julie Lei
Producers Lemore Syvan, Vincent Viola, Frank Rainone, Christina Rosati, Phil Ramone, Nicholas Spina
Writers James Lorinz, Frank Rainone, Rocco Simonelli

Mobster comedy that overdoes the Italian sauce on the belabored pizza of a plot about a would-be writer who decides on gaining experience by joining his local wiseguys on the job. Overbearing in its clichéd characters with actors who only rely on overdone mannerisms. There are a few known players in it but to little effect. Hall has a blink-and-you-miss-him bit and Buscemi is unbilled.
