Azougue Nazareth 2019

Strange things start to happen as Maracatu carnival season begins

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No measure of hellfire preaching can quell the boisterous and bawdy passions of Maracatu, an Afro-Brazilian burlesque carnival tradition with roots in slavery that takes place in the northeast state of Pernambuco. As the Falstaffian character Tiao, Valmir do Coco leads a nonprofessional cast of authentic Maracatu practitioners in a tale told through dance, music, and the supernatural, set in the sugarcane fields outside Recife.

Release Date 2019-11-14
Runtime 1h 20m
Directors Tiago Melo, Gustavo Pessoa
Producers Gustavo Beck, Fernanda Régis, Elex Miguel, Emilie Lesclaux, Pedro Sotero, Diego Medeiros, Kleber Mendonça Filho, Vanessa Barbosa, Leonardo Sette
Writers Jeronimo Lemos, Tiago Melo