Hard Time: Hostage Hotel 1999

One night can cost your life.

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Action Crime Drama TV Movie

A California congressman's wife and daughter are abducted and held hostage in a historic hotel. Logan McQueen is rushed to the scene to assist his former partner, Charlie Duffy, who has been taken captive trying to broker the ransom deal. McQueen must risk his life to face the cunning killer and save the hostages and his long-time friend.

Release Date 1999-11-14
Runtime 1h 28m
Directors Eyal Gordin, Hal Needham, David S. Cass Sr.
Producers Stephen Bridgewater, Lincoln Lageson, Larry Levinson, Robert Halmi Jr., Alan Margulies, Rick Ambros, Michael Smeaton, David S. Cass Sr., Elayne Keratsis
Writer Steven H. Berman