Just Getting Started 2017

Chivalry meets rivalry

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Action Comedy

Duke Diver is living the high life as the freewheeling manager of a luxurious resort in Palm Springs, Calif. He soon faces competition from Leo, a former military man who likes the same woman that Duke is interested in. When Diver's past suddenly catches up with him, he must put aside his differences and reluctantly team up with Leo to stop whoever is trying to kill him.

Release Date 2017-12-01
Runtime 1h 31m
Directors Ron Shelton, Barry Peterson, Joseph Paul Moore, Anna Olshansky, Sarah Lemon, Jon Baran, Steve Danton, Janell Sammelman
Producers Steve Barnett, Steve Richards, Bill Gerber, Charles V. Bender, Andrew Roda, Jeffrey Lampert, John Mass, Gabriel Hammond, Peter E. Strauss, Kellie Davis, Daniel Hammond, Alan Simpson
Writer Ron Shelton