Sevag Chahinian

Sevag Chahinian is a Los Angeles native filmmaker. His family hails from Lebanon and Sevag was born in the United States, making him a first-generation U.S. citizen. As such, he has been exposed to diverse backgrounds and viewpoints through his family and his travels in different countries. At the age of 14, Sevag acquired a love for storytelling and began to film documentaries with different organizations around the world. He then began directing at a local television studio in Los Angeles. Adamant about learning progressing in his found passion, he was determined to pursue this life of filmmaking and begin to grow. Sevag then went on to attend the USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) where he then cultivated his skills and defined his style of storytelling. Since graduating from USC SCA, Sevag has worked as a director and director of photography on numerous projects ranging from small-scale shorts to major production such as music videos, short narratives, and feature films that have been official selections and award winners on the festival circuits.

Known For

Birth Location Los Angeles, California, USA
Sevag Chahinian hasn't appeared in any movies or TV shows


Clothesline Director of Photography
A Cake For Lizzie Second Assistant Camera
Summon a Fiend Director of Photography