Jaze Bordeaux

Jaze Bordeaux is a multi-talented filmmaker who has made a name for himself as a producer and director known for his captivating storytelling. With a passion for bringing thought-provoking and impactful stories to the screen, he is dedicated to developing a diverse slate of feature film projects as an executive producer. In 2024, he made his directorial debut with the powerful drama "EFC," set in the high stake's world of women's mixed martial arts. Looking ahead, Jaze has several exciting projects in the works, including the mind-bending science fiction thriller "GENESIS," which envisions a world where original thought has disappeared and "MONOPOLI," a high-stakes tale of a secret society of financiers vying for control of the global monetary system. With each new project, Jaze brings his signature blend of intelligence, creativity, and passion for storytelling, offering audiences a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience.

Known For

Homepage jazebordeaux.com
Birth Location Canada
Jaze Bordeaux hasn't appeared in any movies or TV shows


Genesis Executive Producer
Monopoli Writer
Monopoli Director
Monopoli Executive Producer
EFC Executive Producer
EFC Story
EFC Director