Dark Matter 2022

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Adventure Thriller

Can, accompanied by some of his friends, is on his way to a cursed region. The natives of the place believe that two hundred years ago, after the child of Satan had been slayed, the whole region had been cursed and vanished from the face of the earth. Right when the group reaches the area, bizarre things begin to happen; The problem is that Can is unable to distinguish between reality and his nightmares and is trapped in a limbo between hallucination and the real world.

Homepage http://www.darkmattermovie.com/
Release Date 2022-06-03
Runtime 1h 30m
Directors Özer Aksoy, Iman Tahsin
Producers Özhun Olgar, Ahmet Pınar, Orkun Olgar
Writers Pouyan Asgari, Ehsan Mirhosseini